Archive of Events and photos from MBRS activities:
For final results from the
MBRS 35th Annual Rose Show,
Saturday, May 2, 2015
click here:
2015 Rose Show Results
2015 Rose Show Awards
Photos from the Rose Show
Click here: 2015 Rose Show Album
A Special Thank You, Janey, for hosting one of the best ever MBRS Christmas Party in her home!
Her house was decorated to the max and easily put Martha Stewart to shame! She had a total of six (6!!!) Christmas trees fully loaded with colorful ornaments collected over the years and lighted lawn ornaments to enjoy on our way out. On top of this, Janey and Otto cooked the ham and turkey to perfection. There were twenty members who attended
the party and the dishes they brought to the feast were a gourmand's delight. Thank you to everyone who attended. There was no excuse to go home hungry and it's doubtful that anyone did. For those of you who weren't able to attend, we missed you and hope to see you in the coming new year. For photos from the 2014 Christmas Party, click here: 2014Xmas
2014 Rose Show Results
2014 Rose Show Album
Photos from the Annual MBRS Members & Family Christmas Potluck Dinner and Silent Auction on Saturday, December 7, 2013, held at Church of Christ, 198 Holm Road, Watsonville. The dinner was well attended and the auction was pretty decent considering the absence of Joe Ghio and his wonderful miniatures. Thank you to all who participated; your potluck dishes were delectable, tasty and much appreciated! Thank you also, to those who so generously donated items to the auction table for our fund raiser.
Click here for Photos by Tomi.
Click here for Photos by Paul
2013 MBRS Rose Show
Results and photos
Photos from 2013 Pruning Clinics:
McShane's Nursery
2013 Photos by Janey
Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds 2013 Photos by Tomi
Alladin Nursery 2013 Photos by Tomi
Probuild Nursery 2013 Photos by Tomi
Valley Hills Nursery & Salinas Library 2013 Photos by Tomi
Salinas Library 2013 Photos by Tomi
Bokay Nursery
Joe Truskot demonstrates his pruning technique on Julia Child,
the rose of course.
The attendance for the clinic was small this year,
so attendees got instructions upclose and personal.
Photos from the Work Day at the Fairgrounds/MBRS Rose Display Garden on March 23, 2013:

Turnout for the workshop and pruning clinic was excellent with instructors Jim Sauvé, Otto Lund and Joe Truskot.
Photos from Smart Gardening Faire in Carmel on April 13, 2013:

Jim and Joe manning the booth for the MBRS
on a cold and blustery morning.

Colorful display of early roses

MBRS members Jim and Colleen Goff with their own dahlia booth.
The annual Santa Cruz County Fair, held from Tuesday, September 11 through Sunday, September 16, 2012, was a huge success. MBRS member, Brenda Wood, once again won the Best Rose in Show Award with her lovely “Dream Come True.” The MBRS Display Garden was in top shape, thanks to the concerted efforts of Jim and Judy Sauvé and a handful of other members who turned out to clip, rake and weed the garden. To see photos from the fair, click here: Fair Photos
The MBRS 2nd Annual Summer Picnic was held at the MBRS Display Garden on Sunday, July 22, 2012. Thanks, once again, to Judy & Jim Sauvé and Janey Leonardich for setting it all up and to Otto Lund, who deftly flipped burgers and hot dogs for our dining pleasure. And thanks to everyone who brought side dishes to round out the menu and us as well.
We didn't have ants at our picnic, but a mole made its presence in the garden. True to the grit of rose gardeners everywhere, Janey grabbed the hose to flood out the critter and Brenda gallantly arrived with cane in hand to deftly flip the mole out, barely missing Janey in the act. To see photos of the mole and picnickers, click here: Picnic 2012
MBRS 2012 Annual Rose Show was held at Alladin Nursery on Saturday, May 12, 2012. Congratulations to everyone for another successful show! For the report on the show and to see photos of the major winning roses, click here: 2012 Results
MBRS 2012 Pruning Clinics:
• MBRS Display Garden
• McShane's Nursery
• Bokay Nursery
• Alladin Nursery
• Steinbeck Library
Congratulations to all the winners in our 2011 MBRS Rose Show! For the report, results and photos, click here: Show Results
MBRS 2011 Pruning clinics:
• MBRS Display Garden
• Alladin Nursery
• Bokay Nursery
• Seaside Garden Center
The Consulting Rosarian School, BBQ, and MBRS Display Garden Tour were held on Saturday, July 9th, 2011. The turnout for the class was excellent; and the BBQ and tour, held under gray skies, was successful as well. Due to a misunderstanding with the caterer, Jim and Judy Sauvé, our resident heroes, took over the entire BBQ chores, buying all the supplies, preparing hors d'oeuvres, cooking a delicious pot of chili, making salads, chopping fruit, providing dessert with plenty of fresh, local strawberries, and even recruiting their grandson to cook hotdogs, sausages, and hamburgers. Thank you, Jim and Judy, and to all those who helped with the class and trimmed the garden in preparation for the tour to make the day a success. Also a special thank you to the CR instructors: Jolene Adams, Ted & Linda Burg, Dave Coop, Dr. John Shaw and Barbara Gordon. They brought the consulting rosarians up to date with the latest rose-related information, and the humor they shared in class made it a pleasure to be with them. Congratulations to the newest MBRS Consulting Rosarian, Jim Sauvé, who passed his test with flying colors. Thank you, Paul McCollum, for also sharing your photos of the class and garden. Paul Photos • Tomi Photos
MBRS Annual Christmas Party - December 2010
Santa Cruz County Fair—Sept 14 to 19, 2010. The Monterey Bay Rose Society Display Garden had many attendees come through and express their appreciation for the garden. Jim and Judy Sauvé did a heroic amount of work to make sure the garden was ready for the public. Jim constructed a new frame for the MBRS sign which he displayed high above the entrance, making it visible from a distance. As a result, many people came through the garden, surprised that there was a rose garden. Thanks also to the many volunteers who helped deadhead roses, clean the garden and greet visitors in the garden. Roses were in short supply in September so only two brave people entered their roses in the fair. Our MBRS member, Brenda Wood, won best in show with an incredibly long-stemmed Chicago Peace. For fair photos, click here: Fair
Summer Workshop/BBQ Saturday, July 31, 2010, at the Monterey Bay Rose Society Display Garden, was held in lieu of the usual garden tours and turned out to be a very successful event. Approximately 25 people attended the workshop with Otto Lund explaining soil amendments, diseases, and deficiency symptoms. He was followed by Joe Truskot demonstrating summer pruning methods to keep our roses blooming throughout the flowering seasons. Otto fired up his trio of barbeque grills and cooked spicy sausages and hamburgers which were accompanied by potluck dishes from attending MBRS members. Thank you to everyone who helped make this event a success. For photos from the BBQ, click here: BBQ
MBRS Annual Rose Show - May 2010
MBRS Annual Open Garden Rose Tour - July 2009
MBRS Annual Open Garden Rose Tour - June 2009
MBRS Annual Rose Show - May 2009