Bay Rose Society's
31st Annual Rose Show
May 7, 2011
Congratulations to this year's winners: Best in Show: Karl Dost with his Betty Boop Floribunda spray; Queen of Show: Shiv P. Mehdiratta with Black Magic; King of Show: Brenda Wood with First Prize; and Princess of Show: Karl Dost with Falling in Love.
This year's rose show was held once again under the tent provided by Alladin Nursery; and with winds forecasted, we were thankful for a relatively mild day. Many of our regular exhibitors were unable to attend because of conflicts with other activities, but an excellent showing by a San Jose contingent helped to fill the gaps and the tables were overflowing with exquisite roses.
The exhibit opened to the public at 12:30, and we saw a steady stream of people coming through. Several bands provided a musical backdrop, a jewelry vendor displayed her wares and a wine tasting table with fruit and cheese took the edge off our hunger. Judy and Jim Sauvé set up an lottery table for fundraising and Master Consulting Rosarian, Joseph Truskot, was on hand to sell and sign his superb book, Central Coast Rose Manual—Creating a Personal Rose Garden.
Thank you again to Gustavo and his staff at Alladin Nursery for all their help! Also thank you to our excellent judges: Jolene Adams, Barbara Gordon, Marie Hubbell, Betty Mott, and Cheryl Frechette.

Queen of Show winner, Black Magic,
exhibited by Shiv P. Mehdiratta
The beautiful Best in Show winner was
Karl Dost's Betty Boop
To see more photos of the winners, click here:
More Photos
Thank you, Jim Turner, for tabulating the show results!
Judges: Jolene Adams, Barbara Gordon, Marie Hubbell,
Betty Mott, and Cheryl Frechette.
Award |
Exhibitor |
of Rose |
in Show |
Karl Dost |
Betty Boop |
Tea & Grandifolia