Bay Rose Society's
32st Annual Rose Show
May 12, 2012
A huge thanks to all the exhibitors and participants who made this year's rose show a tremendous success. One exhibitor, Sandee Kolter, came all the way from Redwood City and walked away with Queen of Show, King of Show and Floribunda Queen of Show! The Best in Show went to Brenda Wood with her stunning shrub, Sparrieshoop. Congratulations to Sandee, Brenda and all the other winners.
The judging went rapidly and smoothly with Joe Ghio directing and herding up the roses eligible for the top ribbons. The judges could easily focus on their selections and completed their task in record time.
With the show opening at 12:30 and with perfect weather in the mid 70's, we had a large and steady flow of visitors all afternoon. The raffle table, loaded with wonderful prizes, had repeat customers who had won in past raffles and were happy to try again. Winetasting, samples of barbeque sausages, a latin guitarist, and a young but very competent jazz band filled out the day.
Again, thanks to the hardworking folks who set up the show, the clerks who assisted the judges, the club members who worked as hospitality and provided transportation, food and water for the judges, the consulting rosarians who made themselves available to answer all the questions fired at them, the cleanup crew and members who worked behind the scenes to make this show such a success.
And a special thank you to Gustavo Beyer and his staff at Alladin Nursery for all their help! Also thank you to our judges: Barbara Gordon, Marie Hubbell, Jennifer Galli and Karen Ernsberger for the excellent job that they did.

An example of perfection:
Queen of Show winner, HT Marilyn Monroe,
exhibited by Sandee Kolter

Another stunning rose:
King of Show, HT Lynn Anderson,
won by Sandee Kolter

Richness in color:
Princess of Show, Karl Dost's HT, We Salute You

The Best in Show winner was
Brenda Wood's magnificent shrub,
Sparrieshoop, which is tucked behind
the Princess, We Salute You.

Left to right, Miniature Rose Winners:
Mini Court: Pink Petticoat, Marjorie Callahan;
Mini Princess: Irresistible, Shive Mehdiratta;
Mini Queen: Little Flame, Joe Ghio;
Mini King: Fairhope, Marjorie Callahan

Floribunda Queen, Lavaglut, won by Sandee Kolter

Floribunda King, Bill Warriner, won by Marjorie Callahan

Floribunda Princess, Fragrant Wave, won by Joe Ghio

Dowager Queen, Complicata, won by Bill Grant
To see show photo album, click here:
More Photos
Thank you, Jim Turner, for tabulating the show results!
(Additional data will be posted later.)
Judges: Barbara Gordon, Marie Hubbell,
Jennifer Galli, and Karen Ernsberger
Award |
Exhibitor |
of Rose |
in Show |
Brenda Wood |
Sparrieshoop (3 stems) |
Tea & Grandifolia